Lovoa Trichiliodes
EN embero wood


The embero is a tree known as the African walnut, a species that lives in equatorial Africa and which is quite appreciated for its hardwood: the embero wood.



The colour of the sapwood of the embero wood tends to light greyish yellow with pink hues possible, while the heartwood is brownish. In addition, the surface can have cracks, deformations or dark brown or black spots caused by its veins. However, its colour darkens with time. Its appearance is very attractive and colourful, so it is likely to be used in decorative ornaments.



The embero wood is a soft wood with straight grain, although commonly it is interlocked, and the grain varies from fine to medium. It is a tough, semi-heavy, moderately nervous and quite fine textured wood.



The soft surface of the embero wood makes it an easily penetrable material, susceptible to the attack by fungi and insects, to which it is very sensitive.



The embero wood is visually attractive because it has a fine finish and an attractive appearance. Therefore, and because it is little impregnable with dyes and varnishes, materials are usually manufactured with its natural colour. Because of the lightness of this timber, the beams tend to tear, so you have to work it with tact. In addition, this material contains much resin with a strong odor, and the dust released when it is cut can cause irritation or eczema on the skin and the mucous membranes. As it happens with other species of tropical timber, it is recommended to use gloves and masks when handling embero wood.



The embero wood works out really well for elegant decorations, in addition to making furniture, carpentry and joinery fine interior, turned furniture, decorative veneers, quality coatings, doors, moldings, baseboards, friezes and especially parquets.