Distemonanthus benthamianus
EN movingui wood


The movingui or movinguí is the name given to a wood whose original tree is known as Distemonanthus benthamianus. This species habits in countries from the tropical Africa, and it extends from Sierra Leone to Gabon and Republic of the Congo. The movingui wood is one of the most emerging tropical woods in the buying and selling timber market, but at least for now, the exploitation of its forest mass production and exportation are stable.



The colour of the movingui wood is pale yellow in the sapwood and lemony in the heartwood.



We are talking about a heavy timber with a grain of medium size and a fiber with a texture generally interlaced and in waves. In addition, the movingui wood has a semi heavy quality.



The movingui wood is a strong wood, especially to sulfuric acid, and it has a medium resistance against the action of fungi and termites. On the other hand, it is never attacked by the lyctid.



The movingui wood is interesting for working, although the heartwood is not penetrable and it is easier working it manually than mechanized. The this material contains a high amount of silica deposits, which can cause skin irritation, so it is advisable to use protection when using it. In addition, movingui timber contains a yellow water-soluble extract that can origin stains on the elements that are attached to it when it is exposed to humid conditions. The sapwood is moderately resistant, but the heartwood does not accept any dye. As for the screwing, taking a previous drill will make it easier.



The movingui wood is commonly used to make sheets of decorative coatings, in objects or furniture of interior and exterior carpentry (doors, floors or stairs), shipbuilding, joinery, tanks for chemicals, cooperage, lathing and skis.