The poplar is a tree which belongs to the genus Populus, and it is a species typical of wetlands located in the Northern Hemisphere of the world map. The poplar is a type of tree native from temperate regions, but lately it has also been introduced in the Southern Hemisphere. Besides, because of its sheer magnitude of potential producer, it has been spread a hybrid of some Populus species in recent years.
The common poplar wood has a whitish colour or a very light brown flush.
The poplar wood is a very thin and light material, which allows it to be extremely manageable and easy to work thanks to its uniform and very resistant surface.
Even though the tree lives on the banks of rivers, the poplar wood has limited resistance to the moisture, while it stands up very well to the attack of fungi and termites. However, it is not advisable to use it outdoors, especially in plywood objects.
The poplar tree is a fast growing species that can be found near rivers and water basins. This natural situation facilitates its exploitation and turns its wood in an ecological and cheap resource. It is very easy to work with poplar wood because it supports its modeling very pleasantly and it accepts painting and varnish treatments.
Not all poplar wood can be the destined to wood veneer obtaining, as you can only use part of the branches and trunk free of knots. The remaining timber that is accumulated in the trunk is usually used for manufacture of fruit boxes, toothpicks or for grinding and manufacturing chipboards. The latter can be used to make furniture of upper-middle range. Normally poplar wood plates are combined with more plates built with some other tropical woods.