Radiata pine, known also as insignis pine or Monterrey pine, is a tree species original from California’s coast, although currently we can also find it in the southeast of Europe, the southeast of Australia, Chile, Brazil and South Africa, being New Zealand and Chile the zones where more plantations can be found. In Spain there are also species in the Basque Country, occupying the 55% of the occupying 55% of the forest area of the Cantabrian slope.
The sapwood of the radiata pine wood has a yellowish white colour, which gets a darker shade with time, while the heartwood has a dun differentiated colour.
The radiata pine wood has a straight vein, and the grain is generally fine. The rings are visible and they have a thick texture.
The radiata pine wood is qualified as slightly durable against fungi and quite particularly sensitive to termites’ attack. In addition, it is a species that prefers temperate and warm climates. It does not support lasting drought times or areas with low temperatures, although it thrives on moisture grounds and atmospheres.
The heartwood of the radiata pine wood is not impregnable with liquids, while the sapwood may vary its impregnability. About the handwork, the nailing and screwing can be performed without difficulty in radiata pine wood, as well as the sawing. Before applying the finishing products it is recommended prior treatment with sealers. Dyes, paints and varnishes adhere well to its texture, and it is so profitable and functional wood that came to be called «green gold» during its heyday in the 1950s.
The uses of radiata pine wood are varied. For example, it is commonly used to manufacture particle board. In addition, it is worthy to make plywood and wooden slats, interior woodwork, panelling, furniture and even paper pulp.