The steamed beech wood is obtained when a species of common beech tree (Fagus Sylvatica) is cut down, a deciduous tree with a very wide long straight trunk to get planks and beams from it. In MAJOFESA we offer sharp-edged steamed beech wood and brushed or not brushed beech wood as well. This material comes from countries located in the middle and south of Europe, the south of Scandinavia and United Kingdom. Also, in the north of Spain we can find some forests with beech species. In particular, in our local lumber yard MAJOFESA you can find species of German beech wood and Yugoslav beech wood.
The steamed beech wood is considered a semi-hard wood which has a colour that varies from pale pink to a light brown flush.
The steamed beech wood has a fine texture and closed pore, not appreciated to the view not even with a magnifying glass. The result of its surface when it is sanded down is much soft, that is why it is used to make fancier constructions. Its vein is straight and the surface has a uniform texture without knots or any other imperfections.
It is sensitive to the weather and also to some insects or fungi, specially larvae and termites.
The steamed beech wood vaporizes for at least 90 hours to remove the tensions that have occurred because of its growth. During this process, the whitish sapwood acquires a reddish colour that extends to the heartwood; this is the colour of the heart of the tree, that without passing through this fixing treatment, it would only last about 4 years.
The pieces of steamed beech wood may have different uses, but the most common are interior carpentry, furniture and joinery, tool handles or toys.