The sycamore is a tree species that receives the scientific name of Ficus sycomorus, belonging to the family of Moraceae. It is natural from countries such as Syria, Egypt, Sudan and other zones of Tropical Africa. The sycamore wood is also known as African fig tree because of its fruits, which grow three or four times a year.
The colour of sycamore wood in the sapwood is white and the heartwood’s one is reddish brown. The tree bark, grey and fissured, when chipped discovers a trunk orange dyed in yellow when the season changes.
The sycamore wood is heavy, moderately hard and strong. Its fiber is straight, occasionally wavy, and the grain is fine and uniform.
The sycamore wood is one of the toughest that exists in the timber market, according to hits, weather and time. It even acquired a sacred value thanks to its durability, as the Pharaohs and the most powerful men of the Ancient Egypt wanted their sarcophagi was built with this material to be preserved better and longer. It was believed that in time their mummies would reach a sacred aspect. The sycamore wood is highly appreciated also because its original tree is able to adapt to any climate and terrain, colonizing own native species. That is why it has been introduced in Europe in a common way, decorating streetscapes, parks and gardens.
The sycamore wood is easy to work because of its linked fibers, which allow breaking and cutting it easily. It supports very well the gluing, screwing and nailing, and the finish is usually great.
Among the most common uses of the sycamore wood in Ancient Egypt highlighted the construction of furniture, sculptures and funerary amulets that served as trousseau in the funerals. Today it is still used to make interior furniture, packaging, lathing, floors and sheets, plus tables and cooking utensils handles.