Piptadeniastrum africanum
EN dabema wood


The dabema is a tree that has different names around the world, among which we find dabema (Europe and Short Ivory), dahoma (R. Kingdom and Ghama), mbeli (Liberia), or tom (Equatorial Guinea and Spain). With the scientific name of Piptadeniastrum africanum, it is a species that grows along the west coast of Africa, especially in Ivory Coast, where plantations reach very high figures, in addition to Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo and Zaire.



The dabema wood is easily recognized by its reddish colour at the base of the trunk, and a greyish one in the upper bark. The sapwood is distinguished by its whitish flush while the heartwood has a colour ranging from golden brown to greenish yellow or grey.



The bark of the dabema wood has a thin and smooth texture. Trunk rings are barely visible and the grain is rather coarse.



The dabema wood has a good resistance to insects and fungi, however, it is sensitive to borers and it is recommended not to store it in contact with salt water.



The dabema is one of the largest and most common trees of the rainforest, so it can be used without any protection varnishes for outdoors. It is advisable, however, to use the appropriate treatments when it is employed in direct contact with the ground. When the dabema wood dries the fetid odor that characterizes it flies away. It is a light heavyweight and semi-hard wood with very good mechanical qualities, sometimes with poor stability, and it gets stained on contact with moisture iron that contains itself.



The dabema timber is a material suitable as a replacement of oak in certain uses, especially in arm carpentry, manufacture of pallets or interior and exterior carpentry. It can also be used in rustic furniture or plywoods.